I think every year around this time I tell myself, “Next year will be different.” Next year, I will order all my holiday cards and address them in October so that they can be in the mail the day after Thanksgiving. Next year I will make an organized plan, starting in July, of what we are getting the kids for Christmas, so that I’m not wrapping presents at 11 pm on Christmas Eve. Next year I will bake all my blog goodies in September so that they are photographed and ready to go live mid November, so that I can be restful and relaxed come December. Next year . . . . You get the idea. But what I never really take into consideration is that in July when I should be Christmas shopping, I have all the kids home all day long. In October when I should be ordering the cards, I still haven’t shot the perfect picture. In September when I should be baking holiday goodies for the blog, I’m still adjusting to back to school time and homework, and the witching hour that I swear was supposed to end at four months, but somehow has lasted seven years. Next year. (Last year Lisa is laughing in my face right now and saying, “See! It’s not so easy! Is it??”)
I’m not sure there’s a better example of needing to be more on top of things next year than The Great Food Blogger Cookie Exchange, an awesome concept where you get matched up with three food bloggers to send them each a dozen cookies and, in exchange, you get three different batches of cookies from three other bloggers. To make it even better, you chip in a little cash, and all the money goes to a good cause. Of course, leave it to me to send the cookies the day of the deadline in sad little plastic baggies and then write the post for them the day it’s due. Next year Lisa better get it together. I hope that the three bloggers who got these White Chocolate Chip Eggnog Cookies forgave my sad packaging when they tasted the sweetness of these cookies that sing of eggnog with a crisp outside and a soft delicious inside. (PS HOLY PRESSURE baking for people who literally do it for a living.) These cookies made their way to A Kitchen Addiction, Crunchy Gooey, and Slender Kitchen. And I got these amazing Shortbread Cookie Cups with Brown Sugar Cinnamon Filling from Food Faith Fitness, this crazy good box of cookies from Deliciously Sprinkled, and some amazing cookies filled with dulce de leche (!!!!) from Hungry Food Love!
These cookies are soft and chewy. They have all the wonderful flavor of eggnog and the added bonus of white chocolate chips!