I think I’m a comfort food junkie. Or I’m just Italian. One or the other. Like if there is a big celebration, there needs to be big celebration food! If there is a big disaster, there needs to be big disaster food! #duh
So back in my past life when I was a social worker and long before I had kids, I did child abuse and neglect investigations. It was INTENSE to say the least. I mean, it was fascinating work, like solving puzzles . . . . just really really sad puzzles that involved actual human beings. So naturally, there was a lot of comfort fooding that needed to happen. Needed.
The ultimate best comfort food when I was working that job came on Fridays when I would make my way to Panera, not far from my office, and get a bowl of New England Clam Chowder and their Turkey Artichoke Panini. And I would sit there in Panera just taking a break from reality and enjoying the comfort food . . . not really. I would race back to the office and eat at my desk while I worked. . . . . you know, a really healthy work life balance. So needless to say, I’m not upset that I’m no longer at that job. Wait. I take that back. I do miss it. I miss using that part of my brain. Which is why I got so pumped up about that conference the other day. But I don’t miss the ulcer eating stress of that job. I do miss Panera’s Turkey Artichoke Panini! These are not exactly the same, but similar enough that I completely devoured one without blinking post photo shoot, even though I’d promised myself I’d have a healthy salad for lunch. Paninis always get the best of me! See? Comfort food junkie. :)
This is one of those recipes that doesn’t so much count as a recipe. I don’t measure when I make sandwiches, because it sucks the joy out of it for me, so I’m giving you a loose sense of what’s in there, but you know, use your sandwich making discretion. I have faith in you.