I just got back from a blogging conference at the Googleplex (google HQ), where they taught us about how to blog and stuff. (I think. I was mostly Instagram-ing during sessions. Fail!! or win?? Instagram IS a part of blogging…) Just kidding, the conference was great and we even heard a few sessions from Google employees themselves who taught us what a search engine was. I had no idea!
Okay, okay, sorry for all the sarcasm. It’s just that I feel like you learn more in the hallways chatting with other bloggers than you do in many of the sessions at these kind of events. (That’s got to be true across the board for conferences, right?) It is awesome swapping advice in person. And it was SO fun putting real live faces to all the online friends I’ve made over the years in this industry. I rarely travel for the blog, (hello 3 kids!) so I was able to “meet” some friends that I have already known for many years. A little surreal!
Did I miss the Girl Scout cookies train? Have you already scarfed all your Thin Mints? Or is there a box hidden in the back of the freezer just for one of ‘those days’? Because today you have a chance to shove a cookie inside of another cookie, and you really shouldn’t let this pass you by.
The base recipe is basically the same as these Mint Chocolate Chip Cookies, except I added a little less peppermint extract. There’s nothing worse than a toothpaste-flavored cookie, amiright? Too much mint goes south really fast. With a half teaspoon and the chopped up Thin Mints, it is just perfect!
I love enormous cookies. These are 1/4 cup size. Feel free to make them smaller! Lower the bake time a couple minutes. Oh and sorry this photo is misleading, don’t put them that close together on the pan when baking! I was flash freezing them. The cookies are soft in the middle but have a little crunch on the outside edge. I like to add chocolate chips to the top of each cookie right after it comes out of the oven, to amp up the chocolate gooeyness factor even more. You can’t see them in the pictures because they are not there because I forgot to add them because I’m a dork. But you are not a dork and I’m sure you will remember to do it :) Happy Wednesday guys! Hope you’re having a great week!
Facebook | Pinterest | Instagram | Twitter One year ago: 30 Minute Pea Soup (From a Bag of Frozen Peas) <this would be a good St. Patrick’s Day meal! Two years ago: Mac and Cheese with Caramelized Onions and Broccoli Six years ago: Irish Soda Bread with Browned Butter You might also like these recipes! The original Mint Chocolate Chip Cookie recipe! This is a huge reader favorite!
Thin Mint Marshmallow Brownies « this sounds over the top…it is. DO IT!
Here’s a throwback…Oreo Shamrock Shakes! These are so good!
More mint chocolate goodness from other bloggers! Mint Chocolate Chip Cookies from Crunchy Creamy Sweet Grasshopper Mint Cookies from Your Home Based Mom Thin Mint Brookies from Beyond Frosting