I even prep myself for it: Karen, you’re going to get an email. But don’t get all worked up now. It’s from yours truly. You JUST wrote it. I can’t help myself. I still just love it. Speaking of being a total freak finding joy in the little things, do you ever just get so excited to go to the grocery store? I mean with no kids, of course. Going to the grocery store with multiple children is like pouring Sriracha sauce on an open wound. (My friend Kate told me about one time when she was at Trader Joe’s and her little girl ralphed all over her huge cart of un-bought groceries. I hold on to this story when my kids act up in public. “Well at least…”)
But grocery shopping kid-free? It’s like a treat, an hour and a half vacation of food ogling . It’s only surpassed by the other-worldly experience that is Target. (What can I say, the grocery store just doesn’t sparkle as much). Last weekend was not a groceries weekend. It should have been, because we had already been eating nothing but yogurt and pb&j’s and scrambled eggs for like 3 days straight. It happens, you know? I needed some real food, so I went on my Facebook page begging for no-brainer crock-pot recipes. My friend Rissa (who won my recent giveaway!) came through with this Teriyaki gem.
Here’s the kicker: I already had everything in my kitchen. And I bet you do too, if you are anything like me. It’s just a bunch of pantry staples and some chicken, which I usually have in the freezer. And can we talk about easy? It took me about 10 minutes to put it together, and another 10 minutes later that night to get it on the table. Never mind that the only other thing on the table was some canned peaches because there was not a single green vegetable to be found in my house. I was thinking that this would be a git-er-done kind of recipe because it’s so simple, but I was wrong. It was so so good! The chicken was tender and the sauce was sweet and aromatic. I added Sriracha to cut the sweetness, and I feel like it really added to the flavor, so don’t leave it out. I love recipes like this around the holidays. Quick and easy, so that I can get back to baking.
And about that holidays thing! I hope you guys are ready for Thanksgiving!! You better be, because you are about to be inundated with awesome recipes that you can put on the T-table (that’s code for Thanksgiving table. Keep up here people.) But before we start with that I have a big announcement: the first ever guest-post on The Food Charlatan will be featured on Monday! I’m super excited (more excited than selfie-emails, and yes, even the grocery store) to introduce you guys to Christina and Tammy, who blog over at Food Apparel. Come back on Monday to see what they are cooking up for us! You will love this other crock pot recipe from The Salty Side Dish! Pineapple Hawaiian Chicken it looks so good right??