Facebook | Pinterest | Instagram I’m the worst at taking down decorations. We still have a string of homemade snowflakes hanging up high in our living room from Christmas. IT’S SEPTEMBER GUYS. May as well just leave it up til December I guess. (Yes, I realize this is how old ladies who leave their Christmas villages up all year are born. Send help.) There were some killer sales this weekend, was anyone else doing some shopping? I love that shopping these days consists of me sitting on my couch googling promo codes. We’re so spoiled. My task is to find a desk chair that is ergonomic and somehow not hideous. Anyone have any suggestions? The two requirements seem to be mutually exclusive. Anyway, that’s why I need a desk space with a decent chair that is designed to be used for hours at a time. Also I need a physical therapist probably, but I can’t buy that online in my pajamas, so it will have to wait. I’ll find one right after I take down my 4th of July bunting and Christmas snowflakes. On to the recipe! Raise your hand if you’ve had stromboli?? No, not the bad guy on Pinocchio (remember him?), I’m talking about dinner. It’s so good. My kids loved this stuff. It makes a great quick dinner or would be an awesome appetizer for football watching this fall. If you make it for a meal it would serve about 4 (with a couple sides, I’m thinking fresh veggies and a big salad) or if you make it as an appetizer then it serves 6-8, depending on how hungry your guests are. I love my recipe for Homemade Pizza Dough, but if you want to buy pre made dough at the store, that will work great too! Make sure that when you layer everything onto the pizza dough that you leave a 1-2 inch border around one of the long edges and the two short ends. Brush the egg wash onto the three exposed edges. Next, roll the stromboli up starting with the long edge that didn’t get egg wash. Make sure you roll it up nice and tight so it doesn’t unravel. You can be too gentle, but it’s hard to do it too tightly. Seal the stromboli up by wetting your fingers and sealing the end of the dough. Then roll over the stromboli so that the seam is facing down. Seal the ends of the stromboli with wet fingers, folding the dough underneath if there is extra so it’s seam side down. That’s it. Now you can bake it! Remember, it will taste incredible, no matter how it looks. To reheat, thaw overnight in the fridge if frozen, then warm in the oven until heated all the way through. You can pop individual slices in the microwave, but they won’t be as crispy on the edges (just like pizza!)