So, is it really time for me to get a smart phone? Our GPS is dying. Like, loses-satellite-when-I’m-in-downtown-Oakland, dying. I know, a GPS, I’m so old school. I was thinking that as I drove home from taking my mother-in-law to the airport this morning, holding up my 5-year-old malfunctioning GPS (the thing that holds it on the window is broken) and listening to CDs in the car. Yes, CDs. I seriously have issues with new technology. I’m going to be one of those old people that is WAY out of touch, because I’m so lazy about learning new stuff. (Oh, and cheap. That might be a huge factor.) I still say one of the best presents I ever got was a used camera from my brother, because he just handed me the camera. No manuel. No secret guilt about not reading it. I just got to take pictures, and I had a legitimate excuse for not understanding all the buttons. I laughed at a thing I saw on Pinterest the other day that said, “Our grandmas knit and crochet, when we are old all we will be able to do is take selfies.” So, what do I do? Invest in a new GPS or just get an iPhone that can act as a GPS?

In other news, I’m making a birthday cake for my nephew Ryan this weekend. He wants a strawberry cake with strawberry frosting that is dyed green. So that it can be the grass for the toy animals he wants to put on top, of course. If you know of anything plus strawberry red that makes green frosting, spill your secret! Okay so I know this bread looks kind of orange and greasy but it’s SRIRACHA people. We ate this SO fast. 3 adults finished off the whole thing in one night. Garlic bread is already so good, but sriracha is trendy for a reason, I’m telling you. I never would have thought of putting hot sauce on garlic bread but it is amazing! Props to Joanne over at Fifteen Spatulas. If you like spicy food at all, this is the perfect bread for you. Serve it alongside some Sesame Noodles or Asian Seared Chicken with Stir Fried Beans for an epic dinner! Come back on Friday to enter my free giveaway! The Food Charlatan is turning 2, celebrate with me!

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