You guys. My kids are starting school in just over a month. ONE MONTH!! I can’t even handle it. And if I’m being totally honest, one of the main reasons I can’t handle it is because my little Quinny Coo is going to be going to school all day. ALL DAY. That little peanut has been my buddy for the last five years, and it’s super hard to imagine having her gone from me for 8 hours a day. Gah! Annnnnd she’s going to be flying solo for lunch. Yikes! This is the kid who eats slower than slow and who has to be coerced to finish a meal. She’s not just a picky eater, she’s a SLOW eater. It makes me so nervous for school lunch time. So I decided I need to come up with some school lunch ideas that she is going to really be able to get behind. Girlfriend loves her a salami pickle sandwich, but she also eats them super slow. So I decided to jazz that sandwich up a little and make it into these fun bite sized snacks. You guys, when she saw these, she freaked out. They barely made it through the photo shoot. (She actually devoured them as soon as I was done, even though she had already had lunch #miracle and said, “I love them!! You get pickle in every bite!!”) And because I’m going to miss my little Coo Bear so much, (side note, Piper has been calling Quinn “Coco Bee” and it is the cutest thing ever), I am probably going to be including notes on her lunch all the time.