Children: 47 Mom: 0 15 points for throw up on the carpet, at least 20 for the “I HAVE TO POOP!” yell in church this morning, 25 for peeing on the couch, and 1000 points for the refused nap. The worst part is that she TOLD me she had to go to the bathroom. It was the third time (3rd!!!) that she had gotten up from her “nap” to use the bathroom and I thought she was just trying to get out of her room. Now I have all kinds of mommy guilt. But guess what guys! It’s been raining for days now! This is big news over here, California’s in a huge drought. I curled my hair the other day, then shook my fist at the rain when my curls went flat within 2.5 seconds of walking outside. And then I slapped myself in disgust.
Come back on Thursday for our #GalentinesDayParty! I’ll be providing links so you can check out what some of my bloggy friends will be bringing to the party where we celebrate our gals :) I will be contributing a secret-ingredient dessert. Head over to my Facebook page to see the picture and guess what it is! (Hint: it’s not Nutella!) Mmmm garlic makes everything amazing. Grab a jar of roasted red bell peppers.
Throw em in. No need to chop. After you puree, don’t forget the hot sauce! Best part! I love using sriracha but any kind will do.