WHERE ARE YOU GOING? WE’RE GOING TO BUY PISTACHIOS!! YOU’RE GOING TO BUY PISTACHIOS??? NO, PISTACHIOS!!! WHAT??? She was saying jazz shoes, of course. Eric is always laughing at me because I still do this. Instead of just saying, “What did you say?” I repeat back what I thought he said, and I’m always way off. I imagine this will just get worse as the years go by. I’m like Bendemolina. That was my favorite book growing up, with good reason. But back to the pistachios. I mean, who doesn’t like pistachios? At Costco they sell huge bags of pre-shelled pistachios, have you seen those? I was just making fun of a Reese’s commercial today, apparently now they are selling unwrapped mini Reese’s…because it’s so hard to unwrap your candy. We wouldn’t want to have any sort of delay in between hand and mouth. For some reason pre-shelled pistachios don’t seem nearly as lame to me. This chicken is goooood. You can’t say no to chicken and pasta. Pretty simple too, the hardest part is making the pesto. It is delicious, especially if you are already a pistachio lover.