This post is sponsored by the National Peanut Butter Board. I received compensation, but all opinions and content are my own of course! I did it again you guys. I showed up to my son’s kindergarten pick up when I had arranged earlier in the week for a friend to pick him up that day. Why can’t I remember anything?? This has probably happened 4 or 5 times this year. At least this time I met my friend there, instead of what usually happens, which is that she picks up Truman on time and is already gone by the time I show up to get him a couple minutes late. Doh!
There is a torrential downpour going on right now. In California! In May! It’s so weird. Although I suppose I shouldn’t be surprised. Eleven years ago when Eric and I got married on May 24th, it rained on our outdoor wedding reception. I remember I kept repeating to myself, “April showers bring MAY FLOWERS, come on California!!”
We had to move the entire reception from my aunt’s beautiful backyard into the house, which we had most definitely not planned for. It was a bit of a disaster as far as parties go. My mom will still randomly mention mishaps that occurred that night that they didn’t tell me about to keep me from stressing out. Like the autographed baseballs that were on display in the house that some kid threw into the pool. Or the fact that the carpet in the house was such a wreck after 150 wet guests tramped over them that it had to be replaced.
I look back on it now and laugh. Guess what? Eric and I are still married! Receptions are just parties anyway, right? Our real wedding took place that morning in the temple. Despite all the mishaps, I still remember it as one of the most perfect days of my life. Being married is great you guys. Happy 11 years to us!
To celebrate, I made Eric some peanut butter sandwich cookies. What says I love you more than peanut butter? Basically nothing.
Peanut butter ftw!
These cookies are perfect because there’s peanut butter packed in the cookies AND the filling. I can’t be the only one who snacks on spoonfuls of peanut butter every now and then, right? It’s so delicious. My kids eat it every day on sandwiches, the only argument being about jelly and honey. The peanut butter is never questioned. I’ve included some recipes below using peanut butter that you won’t want to miss! You can also head here for even more peanut butter recipes.
How to make Peanut Butter Sandwich Cookies
These peanut butter sandwich cookies could not be easier! It’s a really simple dough.
I could probably eat this whole giant spoonful in one blissful afternoon.
But if you can resist, refrigerate the dough for a while, then scoop into balls using a cookie scoop, and bake for about 8-10 minutes. The resulting cookies are soft, tender, and the perfect level of puffy in the middle: enough to be thick and soft, but not so much that it’s annoying to bite into a sandwich when they’re doubled up.
Once the cookies have cooled, whip up a simple peanut butter frosting and spread it on the bottom of a cookie. Sandwich them together and voila! The best peanut butter sandwich cookies ever.
These cookies are copycats of the famous peanut butter sandwich Girl Scout cookies, have you ever had them? In some regions they’re called Do-si-dos. (I had no idea until recently that Girl Scout cookies have different names according to region. Crazy right?) They are so good, but not as good as these ones just out of the oven. I mean you just can’t beat that freshly baked flavor! Facebook | Pinterest | Instagram
More peanut butter recipes you won’t want to miss!
Peanut Butter S’mores Bars Soft Chocolate Cookies with Peanut Butter Frosting No Bake Frozen Peanut Butter Pie with Hot Fudge Peanut Butter Cookies No Bake Peanut Butter Oatmeal Energy Bites Chewy Peanut Butter Oatmeal Cookies
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Soft and Gooey Loaded Peanut Butter Cookies from Will Cook for Smiles Peanut Butter M&M Cookies from Fifteen Spatulas Peanut Butter Pudding Cookies from Inside BruCrew Life