Maple Cinnamon Quick Bread

Well, that did not happen with this bread. I skipped dinner in the name of this bread, because who needs dinner when you’ve got Maple Cinnamon Bread hanging out in your kitchen? But then a few hours later I thought, I bet I’m going to be really hungry soon when my stomach forgets about my bread binge. So I made some super healthy Hot Pizza Dip, because what you need after a carb binge is a cheese binge....

November 9, 2024 · 1 min · 210 words · Cynthia Chafin

Muddy Buddy Recipe Puppy Chow

My daughter Charlotte turned 11 a few weeks ago, and we had a little family party to celebrate. Her out-of-state aunt called halfway through dinner to let us know that a gift would be arriving in the mail soon, hopefully any moment if the tracking was correct. Charlotte opened all her other presents and as we were enjoying her birthday cake, the doorbell rang. This must be it! We all watched as she tore open the package, fully expecting an awesome present from Aunt Reesy, and instead UNDERWEAR spilled all across the table....

November 9, 2024 · 10 min · 1923 words · George Cruz

No Bake S Mores Cheesecakes

I asked my sister-in-law Sandi if I could possibly be any more trashy. She said, “Oh yeah. It could be a tube top sunburn. Or worse, a sunburned crack.” Let’s all count our blessings. And let’s stop thinking about that. Think about this instead. Itty bitty S’mores Cheesecakes. Believe me, you won’t want more than a little bit. This stuff is riiiiiich. I don’t even need to tell you that it tastes delicious....

November 9, 2024 · 1 min · 169 words · Vernon Duncklee

On Blogging About Food

Cooking has always been a hobby and I have always found it refreshing and a way to unwind. I am on a quest to write and publish my very own cookbook. I have the whole concept planned out already – now all that needs to be done is make a list of all my saved up recipes. And let me tell you, I really admire and salute all those who have made notes while cooking and have been successful in writing their recipes down to the very last ingredient with exact measurements....

November 9, 2024 · 2 min · 317 words · Delores Sanders

Paneer Methi Malai Matar The Best Low Fat Version You Ve Ever Had

The Indian festive season has begun, and kitchens all over the country have been buzzing with activity. Mine is no different. I’ve spent the past few days planning and re-planning our menus. I remember a time, not too long ago when Hubby Dear and I would throw lavish Diwali parties. We’d have an extensive menu – which often included this delicious low-fat version of Paneer Methi Malai Matar, which would have me begin the cooking process a day or two in advance....

November 9, 2024 · 3 min · 458 words · Stephen Wilson

Pina Colada Poke Cake Simple Easy

Hello friends! Loooong time no talk! I’ve been a little absent around these parts because I was with my family on vacation in London! It was my kids’ first international trip and it was absolutely incredible. Yes, there were meltdowns (mostly mine), and some tricky spots, but over all we had the most wonderful time. I loved seeing that piece of the world, a city I have loved since I first met it, through my kids eyes....

November 9, 2024 · 4 min · 750 words · Helen Head

Pull Apart Bread

Best Bread for Pull Apart Bread This recipe is made with a crusty artisan loaf of bread. Loaves with a harder crust and soft inside, like sourdough, are my favorite to use because they hold their shape and the cheesy filling. If you can’t find a crusty loaf at your bakery or grocery store, use a loaf of Italian bread or French bread. You will need to be a little more gentle as you stuff it, but it will work....

November 9, 2024 · 3 min · 563 words · Louis Perez

Pumpkin Nutella Dip

I absolutely love dessert dips. Typically they are easy to whip up and make a great addition to a party spread. This pumpkin fluff dip with Nutella is the perfect example. It is so easy to make and pumpkin and Nutella get along in the most magical way. You will love this yummy dessert. How to Serve This pumpkin pie dip can be enjoyed immediately, or stored in the refrigerator for up to one day in advance if you want to make it ahead of time....

November 9, 2024 · 2 min · 324 words · Candida Rutter

Pumpkin Pie Dip With Cinnamon Sugar Pie Crust Dippers

Over the weekend we celebrated Nathan’s birthday . . . . you know that moment when you have been married for like 72 years and gone through ALL the hard stuff together and then all the average stuff that makes you crazy (like kids who won’t listen, schedules that are too busy, relatives who make you bang your head into a wall) . . . . and then you go out for dinner and you are magically transported back to when you first fell in love?...

November 9, 2024 · 2 min · 351 words · Robert Andrews

Punjabi Arbi Masala Taro Root Curry Arbi Sukhi Sabzi

Punjabi Arbi Masala - Spiced Taro Root Curry is an authentic delicious Indian side dish made with basic Indian spices, readily available in the pantry. Serve this Gluten free Arbi Masala along with Roti or Naan Bread. Growing up in south of India, this vegetable has a special place in our cuisine. My mum/ mum in law would make Seppankizhangu roast, which is just delicious. The vegetable is par boiled, peeled and cut in to similar sizes....

November 9, 2024 · 4 min · 683 words · Vincent Lowers

Quick Simple Meal Ideas Shrimp Sambal

Our weeknight dinners are, for the most part, simple, quick meals. For our protein, I generally opt for a quick curry style wherein I know that after the initial 8-10 minutes of chopping, sautéing and seasoning, I can then leave it to simmer and trust that the dish will come together with no more babysitting on my part. Veggies are great roasted or as a quick stir-fry, or just chopped and thrown into a salad....

November 9, 2024 · 2 min · 283 words · Cindy Kittell

Quinoa Berry Parfait

This post is brought to you by Yoplait. You guys, have I mentioned that my kids are starting at a new school? That we are moving? That I’m selling my house . . . . No??? Just kidding. At this point, even I am sick of hearing about it. So with our new school we have a slightly new schedule and that means that I’m going to be taking the kids to school in the morning....

November 9, 2024 · 2 min · 390 words · Shayla Boyer

Red Velvet Bars

These cookie bars would make the a great Valentine’s Day dessert. If you need more ideas, or just can’t get enough of red velvet recipes, try this Red Velvet Sour Cream Bundt Cake, these Red Velvet Sugar Cookies, or this Red Velvet Buttercream Frosting. You guys, I can’t even tell you how long I have been waiting to write this post. Actually, I can tell you exactly how long I have been waiting to write this post....

November 9, 2024 · 3 min · 595 words · Lisa Bailey

Royal Icing Recipe For Beginners Its Tasty

I’m including this photo of the tree because it’s really not my best work. The lines on the tree are too thick, and not uniform. But I added the white dots, tossed the whole thing with sugar, and called it a day. And I still think it looks pretty okay. Like I said, not instagram level, but definitely cute enough to gift to the neighbors! My foot was asleep 😂 It’s always so funny when your kids try to “Mom” you....

November 9, 2024 · 15 min · 3084 words · Eli Lane

Sidewalk Chalk Spray

They love to color. They were sitting at my kitchen table, peaceful little that souls they are, making birthday cards for their mom, my wonderful sister-in-law. And just because I like to brag about my nieces and nephews almost as much as I like bragging about my own kids, look at this one of me and sweet little Mira. Okay. On to the spray! So I wanted to send them a really fun summer care package including chalk spray....

November 9, 2024 · 2 min · 333 words · Ayako Vazquez

Skinny Shamrock Shake

You guys, why does weight loss have to be so hard? Uuuuuughhhh! My problem is that I get within about three pounds of my goal weight and get really pumped feeling all like a rock star and then I decide that I can eat nachos and beer for dinner. Every night. Which probably wouldn’t have been that big of a deal when four kids and 10 years ago. Alas ....

November 9, 2024 · 2 min · 356 words · Jarod Yarrington

Slow Cooker Pineapple Carnitas Tacos

This easy recipe is a slow cooker meals that is a lifesaver! The leftovers are just as delicious, making it perfect for meal prep or feeding a crowd. So the next time it’s Taco Tuesday or Cinco de Mayo, whip up a batch and enjoy the fiesta throughout the week! These slow cooker tacos break away from the traditional carnitas method of slow-cooking pork in copper pots. It’s my creative take, resulting in a dish that’s become one of my favorite ways to prepare pork with a Mexican twist!...

November 9, 2024 · 4 min · 689 words · Arthur Bayer

Spicy Honey Garlic Spring Rolls

For the past few months, I’ve been toying with the idea of throwing an appetizer sampler party. According to me, it’s probably the best party you could get invited to, second of course only to a chocolate-themed night. This book meet was the perfect setting for what I had in mind. We were meeting to discuss the book, Cooking for Mr. Latte, and though I enjoyed the read, I knew that planning the party was going to be even more fun....

November 9, 2024 · 2 min · 359 words · James Bleich

Sriracha Garlic Bread

So, is it really time for me to get a smart phone? Our GPS is dying. Like, loses-satellite-when-I’m-in-downtown-Oakland, dying. I know, a GPS, I’m so old school. I was thinking that as I drove home from taking my mother-in-law to the airport this morning, holding up my 5-year-old malfunctioning GPS (the thing that holds it on the window is broken) and listening to CDs in the car. Yes, CDs. I seriously have issues with new technology....

November 9, 2024 · 2 min · 394 words · Susan Barrios

Stuffed Rajma Paratha Kidneybeans Paratha

Serve these Stuffed Rajma Paratha with lots of yogurt and you have one wholesome meal! I really don’t know what has got into me lately, but I want to share with you only flatbread recipes. As a mummy, I feel flatbreads are the easiest way to stuff in the goodness whilst feeding my children. Constantly nudging them to finish off the Dal/ curry or even the vegetables is such a pain and I often feel why?...

November 9, 2024 · 3 min · 598 words · Richard Miller