Facebook | Pinterest | Instagram I plead with you, if you value your marriage, never, EVER go furniture shopping with your spouse. It will only end in horror. I’m about ready to sit on the floor for the rest of my life. At one point we had to abandon the project entirely and forage for food. We had made our dinner reservations for AFTER our allotted couch shopping time, and this was a big mistake. Couch hunting on an empty stomach should be illegal. When we were married 13 years ago, Eric’s parents gave us a living room set. (They own a furniture store.) They brought us to the store and said you can have this one, this one, or this one. We picked the green one and that was that. No agonizing. No bargaining. One and done. Eric has been saying for a long time that the couch is sinking in. Kind of like quicksand, you just disappear right into the center of it. My friend Kim sits on our couch on the regular and says that “it accepts you.” But. We knew it had to go. Or at least Eric knew. So off we went to the gallery. After all the carbs and pasta, we are alive to tell the tale. We might have to bring in reinforcements on our next trip. Because no, we did NOT find a couch we both liked. The problem is that we actually already bought a new couch, that Eric loves. It was on sale and we bought it online without ever having sat on it. What a preposterous idea, you might be thinking. Well, you are right. It was a preposterous idea. But then you sit down. Let me just say, this couch does NOT accept you. Who can say no to this classic side dish? They are so easy to put together and make a great side dish for almost any meal. This recipe is the best because the outsides get SUPER SUPER crispy, while the insides stay pillowy tender and soft. And they have just the right spices. I’m in love! You can make these with any kind of red potato, or really any potato with a tender enough skin that it doesn’t need to be peeled. Yukon potatoes, white or yellow potatoes, finger potatoes, all of these would work for this recipe. Don’t use russet potatoes though, the skins are too tough. If you plan to double the recipe, make sure to use two pans. The potatoes need plenty of space to actually roast! Otherwise they will just steam each other and won’t get crispy edges. I like to flip the potatoes about 2/3 of the way through the cook time. This isn’t absolutely necessary; the potatoes will get tender even if you don’t do it, but if you want 2 sides of your potatoes brown and crispy (you do), then a flip is necessary. Once the potatoes are fork tender, take them out and toss them in a little bit of white wine vinegar. Or red wine vinegar. Or balsamic. Or a drizzle of lemon. Any little pop of acid right before serving is going to taste amazing. Of course it’s optional, they are great without it too. Don’t add so much that they get soggy, just about a tablespoon is fine. And voila! It’s really so easy to make this side dish. It pairs with so many meals!

Oven Roasted Red Potatoes - 83Oven Roasted Red Potatoes - 64Oven Roasted Red Potatoes - 94Oven Roasted Red Potatoes - 65Oven Roasted Red Potatoes - 18Oven Roasted Red Potatoes - 56Oven Roasted Red Potatoes - 10Oven Roasted Red Potatoes - 7Oven Roasted Red Potatoes - 32Oven Roasted Red Potatoes - 38Oven Roasted Red Potatoes - 70Oven Roasted Red Potatoes - 92Oven Roasted Red Potatoes - 60Oven Roasted Red Potatoes - 50Oven Roasted Red Potatoes - 10Oven Roasted Red Potatoes - 69Oven Roasted Red Potatoes - 84Oven Roasted Red Potatoes - 24Oven Roasted Red Potatoes - 59