(okay, side note, I just wrote “drout” and stared at it for like a minute before I came up with an alternative spelling. Drowt. I think I’m getting stupider as time goes by.) We are still homeless. Bumming off my brother, actually. I can see how people go to live in their in-law’s basement for “a couple months” and don’t move out for 5 years. It’s kind of nice not having to pay rent. Also the fact that my brother lives in an actual house with an actual yard. It makes ignoring entertaining my 2-year-old much easier. Here’s hoping we find a place soon. Free rent is great and everything, but Charlotte said it best the other day when she looked up at me with big eyes and said, “I want to go home.” Me too. Necessity breeds invention, and that’s where this pot pie came from. We were doing our best to clean out the fridge and freezer before we left, and I found one pie crust, chicken, carrots, and celery. And here you have it, a one-crust pot pie. The best part though is that it’s all in one skillet. Homemade chicken pot pie lands you with a sink full of dishes, but not this one. Awesome!

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