Cooking has always been a hobby and I have always found it refreshing and a way to unwind. I am on a quest to write and publish my very own cookbook. I have the whole concept planned out already – now all that needs to be done is make a list of all my saved up recipes. And let me tell you, I really admire and salute all those who have made notes while cooking and have been successful in writing their recipes down to the very last ingredient with exact measurements. Writing down recipes surely sounds much easier than it actually is. It’s one thing to cook up a fabulous meal, but another whole different ball game to write it down for others to understand! Now, when I cook, I use my intuition and sense of taste a lot. I don’t necessarily add specified amounts of spice or seasoning. Everything is on a whim! So for me to actually sit down and write up my instructions is a very, very back-breaking task. I’ve been working on it for a couple of days now, and I must say, I’ve come a long way from when I began. Most of you curious ones reading my blog (if anyone actually does!) must be wondering who I am and where I came from. Well, as a brief introduction, I am an enthusiastic cook who loves dishing out delicacies! I am half-Indian and half-Malay by birth, and most certainly love food that is spicy and full of flavour. It should come as no surprise that when I find an interesting recipe I like, I love to alter its taste to bring in the flavours I am so accustomed to and love, keeping the basic idea of the recipe the same. I like creating these fusion versions and it won’t be long till they appear on my blog! Till then, happy eating!