I asked my sister-in-law Sandi if I could possibly be any more trashy. She said, “Oh yeah. It could be a tube top sunburn. Or worse, a sunburned crack.” Let’s all count our blessings. And let’s stop thinking about that. Think about this instead. Itty bitty S’mores Cheesecakes. Believe me, you won’t want more than a little bit. This stuff is riiiiiich. I don’t even need to tell you that it tastes delicious. I mean, marshmallow cheesecake? That speaks for itself. Oh and Happy Fall everyone!!! I suppose you could consider this S’mores recipe a farewell to summer…but who are we kidding, S’mores have moved way past the summer bonfire lately. They are like the Cool New Kid On The Block, nobody can get enough of them. I can’t wait to get my pumpkin recipes on. Isn’t fall just the best? I’m ready for some scarves. Except now I live in California so they are kind of superfluous. That won’t stop me though. What’s your favorite part of fall?