I just bought a dresser from someone on Craigslist yesterday. Charlotte and Truman share a dresser, and we’ve been at the point for a WHILE now, where when all of the laundry is done, you can’t exactly shut the drawers without putting your back into it. The reason I haven’t bothered to buy one before now is because 1) I’m super cheap and 2) the laundry is NEVER all done at the same time. (All the other moms are out there chuckling with me right now, right? Who ever has all the laundry done??) So the work of shutting too-full drawers is a pretty rare occasion thanks to my housework negligence.
Anyway, we show up at this guy’s house to buy the dresser, all 3 kids in tow. He was an adorable old man who was very hard of hearing, who called me immediately every time I texted him with questions about the dresser, instead of texting back. He must have a business flipping dressers because his porch was full of dozens of freshly painted white ones. We load it up into the van, and then his eyes get a sparkle in them and he says, Wait! Do your kids like toys? (Cue the “dun dun DUN” music)
He takes us over to a dresser with a bunch of stuff on top: glow sticks, toy trucks, and 3 of the CREEPIEST porcelain dolls I’ve ever seen, like straight out of Sid’s room in Toy Story level creepy, guys. Chipped fingers, dirt smears, oh and did I mention it smelled like the dude smokes a lot, so they aren’t exactly fresh. He’s like, would your daughter like one of these? And Charlotte’s face lights up, of course. And I say, very politely, No, I don’t think so, thank you. He gives me this look of utter disbelief and says, Why does EVERYONE say that? Nobody seems to want these dolls! They’re nice! Oh dear. So I say, okay, how much? (Maybe I can convince him we can’t afford it??) And he’s like, That’s the thing, they’re FREE! She can choose whichever one she likes!
So here we are, 24 hours later, with a slightly-less-creepy porcelain doll now that Charlotte has meticulously cleaned it with baby wipes and spent hours dressing the smelly thing in every set of dolls clothes she owns. Why do I buy my children nice things?? Whyy????
You will love this Mexican Hot Chocolate Cookie Recipe
Have you ever had Mexican hot chocolate before? It’s basically regular hot chocolate that has cinnamon in it. (Sometimes people also add chili flakes or chili powder, but that’s not my thing. That would definitely do the job of warming you up though!)
I turned the flavors into Mexican Hot Chocolate Cookies. You could also call these Chocolate Snickerdoodles. The recipe is basically a classic Snickerdoodle recipe, just with cocoa added to it. I even used cream of tartar as one of the leavening agents, so that we get that tangy flavor that is unique to snickerdoodles. It tastes so good paired with cinnamon and chocolate! The cream of tartar also makes the top of the cookie crackle a bit, which is just so satisfying.
The best part about this cookie is the fact that we are rolling the cookies in cinnamon and sugar before and AFTER we bake them. Sprinkling with sugar after baking ensures that every bite has that super satisfying sugar crunch, on the edges of a soft and tender cookie. They are so fudgy, especially when you eat them warm. Just look at this gooey goodness:
I also love that this recipe uses all butter (hello flavor!) but requires no chilling. Some of my favorite cookies ever require chilling before baking. But it’s just so hard to wait sometimes. If you are impatient like me, these Mexican hot chocolate cookies are the ones for you. Make these for your next family cookie night! What, you guys don’t do family cookie night? Ours is every Sunday. Make it happen people, nothing like family and cookies to bring it all together :) Facebook | Pinterest | Instagram One year ago: How to Make Ultra Flaky Buttermilk Biscuits Four years ago: Coconut Layer Cake Six years ago: Spicy Sausage and Broccoli Pasta More cookies you are sure to love! Cinnamon Roll Sugar Cookies « these are sugar cookies rolled up like a cinnamon roll. SO GOOD.
The Best Bakery Style Double Chocolate Chip Cookies « the. best.
Soft Cinnamon Cookies with Maple Pecan Frosting « these are a huge favorite of mine!
My Favorite Snickerdoodles « this recipes is from years ago and is not quite a classic snickerdoodle (uses brown sugar) but I love the flavor.
More chocolate-cinnamon combos from friends! Cinnamon Chocolate Brownies from Lemons for Lulu Chocolate Cinnamon Rolls from Inside BruCrew Life Chocolate Cinnamon Toast from A Spicy Perspective Here’s a Gluten Free Snickerdoodle Recipe from my friend Sarah at Snixy Kitchen! She’s an amazing gluten free baker!