But the reality of it is that I have a lot of readers who are requesting low carb recipes. A lot. Readers who have recently been diagnosed with diabetes and other health issues who really need lower carb recipes. I always want to be a helpful resources that leads you to love being in the kitchen. With that I give you this amazing Mashed Cauliflower recipe. In addition to being low carb, it is incredibly delicious. It has a buttery smooth texture and a delicious garlic flavor. On top of all of that it is really easy to make. When you boil vegetables the nutrients from them go into the water. If you are draining them after, all of those nutrients are going down the drain. There are some recipes where it really is the best method to make for a quick meal, but this isn’t one of them. In this recipe we are sautéing the cauliflower and then adding just a small amount of liquid to them, that stays in. This way all of the nutrients the cauliflower brings to the party stays in the final dish.
Cut back on the butter. It is totally possible to make this with less butter. Start out sautéing the garlic in only two tablespoons of butter and then forgo the last tablespoon at the end.Use olive oil instead. Sauté the garlic in two tablespoons of olive oil to start. No need to add more at the end.Skip the garlic. I will be honest, I think this is a mistake. But if you need a more bland recipe, this is a way to do it. Just add the finely chopped cauliflower to the butter as soon as it melts.Make this recipe low sodium. Skip the salt and make sure to use unsalted butter.