Each year, during the week before Diwali, my kitchen automatically gets converted into a mini snack shop – producing quantities of savouries large enough to feed my entire neighbourhood. And then some. Requests start pouring in from Hubby Dear and Little Dude a month in advance – they have their favourites and it rarely changes. One special request from Hubby Dear this year was Masala Mathri – crisp fried spicy cookies. They’re absolutely addictive and no one can really stop at one! These lovely treats can be stored in an air-tight container for about 2-3 weeks. That is if you resist them that long! If you’re just getting started with your Diwali prep and would like some quick and recipes to treat your family to, I have a quite a few of them that you can find if you click here. Here’s wishing all my readers a Very Happy and Prosperous Diwali!  If you looking for similar festive snacks like this Masala Mathri, then I’m sure you’ll love my Namak Pare and Shakkarpare recipes as well. Tried this recipe? Leave a Comment and let me know, also Rate it by clicking the number of stars on the recipe card. Want to share your version with me? Tag me on Instagram @hookedonheat

Masala Mathri  Spiced Fried Cookies  - 39Masala Mathri  Spiced Fried Cookies  - 24Masala Mathri  Spiced Fried Cookies  - 95Masala Mathri  Spiced Fried Cookies  - 72Masala Mathri  Spiced Fried Cookies  - 96Masala Mathri  Spiced Fried Cookies  - 12