Well, that did not happen with this bread. I skipped dinner in the name of this bread, because who needs dinner when you’ve got Maple Cinnamon Bread hanging out in your kitchen?
But then a few hours later I thought, I bet I’m going to be really hungry soon when my stomach forgets about my bread binge. So I made some super healthy Hot Pizza Dip, because what you need after a carb binge is a cheese binge. Right?
Well.. One failed healthy food day down, the rest of my life to go.
I bought real maple syrup for a recipe this week that was a TOTAL FAILURE. It called for an entire cup, so it was like pouring a cup of 8 dollar syrup down the drain. So sad. Good thing this bread was awesome otherwise I might never have bought the real stuff again. (Although sh…I didn’t have enough left to use ALL real maple syrup in this bread…so if you are super cheap like me you can have your cake..er, bread, and eat it too! (Although who are we kidding, “Quick Bread” is just a way to make us all feel good about the Quick Cake we actually made. I mean, it has frosting. Let’s be real.)