Eric’s sister Jessie is visiting this week for the holidays. Eric is at work all day, so she is at home with me and the kids. I keep worrying that she is bored, even though she has assured me that she’s not, like any good sister-in-law would do.

Today our ancient stereo was malfunctioning; the part that holds the CDs was making this annoying little noise as it switched from one track to the next, trying to play a CD that wasn’t there. I turned the radio on, intending to push some buttons and turn it off again, hoping that it would make the CD carousel stop moving. Instead, I forgot about it. And that’s how Jessie ended up having to listen to staticky Gregorian chants for 20 minutes. You know you’re a mom when you can sit right next to a radio playing indecipherable chanting monks and not even notice for 20 minutes.

I found you a last minute drink for the festivities tomorrow! Seriously, this is so easy to throw together, just dump it all in a blender, whir a bit, and you’re good to go. This is technically a summer drink (hence the “June bug” title) but I thought it was really appropriate for this time of year. It is tart and refreshing and not cranberry, which is the drink everyone seems to think of for Thanksgiving. (Don’t worry, cranberry, I still love you.) It’s just nice to change it up. You would not believe how many stores I went to in search of the grenadine for this recipe. I would walk in and immediately ask for help finding it (because I don’t drink alcohol, so I never go in the alcohol aisles at the store. I think I would be too distracted by all the pretty glass bottles to find it.) I would be like, can you tell me where the grenadine is? And they would be like “trendadeen? What’s that?” Finally I went to a hoity toity Italian imports store, and the man didn’t blink an eye when I asked for grenadine. He even said “Cheers” to me as he walked away. Not only giving me what I wanted, but making me feel British in the process? Now that is customer service. Honestly though, the grenadine won’t be hard to find if you stop at a liquor store. Check your grocery store just in case, you never know. Happy Thanksgiving everyone! P.S. Just in case you don’t have your menu all lined up, check out the side bar for some inspiration! Also, come back on Friday for an epic (and easy) turkey leftover idea.  

June Bug  Orange Grenadine Ginger Ale - 56June Bug  Orange Grenadine Ginger Ale - 25June Bug  Orange Grenadine Ginger Ale - 74June Bug  Orange Grenadine Ginger Ale - 54June Bug  Orange Grenadine Ginger Ale - 91June Bug  Orange Grenadine Ginger Ale - 22June Bug  Orange Grenadine Ginger Ale - 57