For even more great easy fudge recipes make sure you look at these 25 easy fudge recipes. One of my most popular recipes this time of year is my Bailey’s Fudge. Actually, all of my fudge recipes are really popular this time of year, but especially the Bailey’s Fudge. Guys. People like their liquor and their chocolate together. Maybe a reason why this Red Wine Chocolate Cake is so popular. I recently got a comment on my Bailey’s Fudge recipe from someone asking me to make Jack Daniel’s Fudge. And I was immediately intrigued. Guys. I like whiskey. Also . . . . at the risk of all of you coming together to start an intervention for this weird blogger stranger who’s posts you sometimes read . . . . I started another blog . . . . that is only cocktails. Shake Drink Repeat is my new little fun side hobby because I have an abundance of free time. Guys. I like sarcasm too. SDR is a work in progress, but my hope is that in the future (read: After Christmas when I have more time), it will be the home of tons of fun and obscure cocktails that you can play with at home. Anyway. Let’s talk about this fudge!
The key to making an easy homemade fudge is to start with sweetened condensed milk. The basic ratio is 14 oz sweetened condensed milk to 3 cups of chocolate chips. But when you start throwing in other liquids (like whiskey) or other things (like Nutella) you have to tweak things a little bit.
Make sure that you stick to the recipe. I know, this is not a novel idea, but it’s pretty important. When you measure the sweetened condensed milk, use a glass measuring cup and measure to the 8 oz mark. Do NOT use the whole can. Make sure you buy SWEETENED CONDENSED MILK. It looks incredibly similar to the evaporated milk, but they work very differently. Your fudge will not set if you use evaporated milk. Before cutting this fudge, stick it in the refrigerator (covered) for an hour. It will make it cut much more smooth. To get the crisp edges you see on my fudge, I actually used a pairing knife and sliced of a tiny bit. You don’t need to do that if you aren’t a food blogger. It still tastes great with rough edges.