Sometimes cooking and baking require some math involving cups, pints, gallons, and quarts. If you need to know how many cups are in a pint, or how many pints are in a gallon, or any other conversions for wet and dry ingredients, keep reading. Your questions will be answered here.  Find conversion charts for cups, pints, quarts, and gallons here, plus a free printable sheet that you can keep and hang up in your kitchen.  Need more kitchen basics? Learn how to cut up a whole chicken, how to make bread maker bread, or how to use a French press!

Common Cooking Conversions

Have you ever been reading through a recipe and your brain panics for a second because you can’t remember how many cups are in a pint? Or maybe you are used to cooking with metric measurements, so an American recipe using cups is a struggle.  A cup of milk or a pint of chicken stock seems so simple until you get confused! No worries, I’m going to break it down for you here. You’ll know exactly how many cups are in a pint, quart, or gallon, and you’ll know where to look if you forget. 

Liquid Measurement Conversions

These are the basics, and I’ll get into each a bit more further in the post:  1 gallon = 4 quarts, 8 pints, or 16 cups.  1 gallon = 128 fluid ounces or 3.8 liters.  1 quart = 2 pints, 4 cups, or ¼ gallon 1 quart = 32 fluid ounces or 0.95 liters. 1 pint = 2 cups, ½ quart, or 0.125 gallon 1 pint = 16 fluid ounces or 0.47 liters (⅕ liter) 1 cup = 48 teaspoons, 16 tablespoons, ½ pint, ¼ quart, 1/16 gallon or 8 fluid ounces. That was a lot! But here are the most important conversions to know about cups to gallons: 1 Gallon is equal to 4 quarts 1 Quart is equal to 2 pints or 4 cups 1 Pint is equal to 2 cups Click here to download this free gallon, quart, pint, and cup printable!

Why Do I Need to Convert Quarts to Cups or Cups to Quarts? 

There are many reasons why you might need to convert your measurements from gallons or quarts to cups or pints, or vice versa. 

How Many Cups are in a Gallon? 

There are 16 cups in a gallon. 

How Many Cups are in 2 Gallons? 

There are 32 cups in 2 gallons.

How Many Cups are in A Quart / Convert 1 quart to cups

There are 4 cups in a quart.

How Many Cups are in 2 Quarts / Convert 2 quarts to cups

There are 8 cups in 2 quarts. 

How Many Cups is 4 quarts?

There are 16 cups in 4 quarts. 4 quarts is also the same as 1 gallon!

How Many Cups is 6 quarts? 

There are 24 cups in 6 quarts.

How Many Cups are in a Pint?

There are 2 cups in a pint.

How Many Cups are in 2 Pints?

There are 4 cups in 2 pints.

How Many Pints in a Gallon? 

There are 8 pints in 1 gallon.

How Many Quarts in a Gallon?

There are 4 quarts in one gallon. 

What is the Best Way to Remember The Conversions from Cups to Pints to Quarts? 

First, you don’t necessarily have to memorize or remember all of these individual conversions. It’s completely acceptable to save a cheat sheet to your phone or hang it up on your fridge. Save your brain space for other important details! Click here to download this FREE liquid conversion chart!

What is the Difference Between Dry and Liquid Measuring Cups? 

Not sure if your measuring cups are made for measuring dry or wet ingredients? Dry measuring cups are usually metal or plastic with long handles to measure 1 cup or smaller amounts. They are open and wide so that you can level off the top when measuring things like flour and sugar.  Liquid Measuring cups have a spout for pouring. They typically are clear with lines on the side to measure various amounts of liquid. Measuring spoons can be used for measuring both wet and dry ingredients.  You may also find beaker-style or shot glass-sized measuring cups for measuring small amounts of liquid such as teaspoons, tablespoons, and ounces. These are useful when mixing cocktails or coffee drinks. 

How to Measure Wet Ingredients

The way that you measure liquid ingredients is different than the way you measure dry ingredients. Liquids are always measured by volume, whereas dry ingredients can be measured by volume or by weight.  For measuring wet ingredients, you should use a liquid measuring cup with graduated measuring lines. A clear glass measuring cup with red lines indicating cups and ounces is traditional, but they come in other formats.  To properly measure liquid ingredients, take your measuring cup and set it down on a flat surface. Slowly pour in your liquid while bending down to get eye level with the side of the cup. Stop pouring when the liquid reaches the proper line.  An angled measuring cup, like this one from OXO allows you to measure without bending down, which is super handy. 

Recipes To Practice Your New Liquid Measurement Skills

Try one of these delicious and simple recipes, and try out your newfound kitchen math expertise!

How To Make Turkey Stock in the Instant Pot or on the stove. Strawberry Lemonade is a delicious and refreshing summer treat. This Shrimp Boil calls for 16 cups of water – which is the same as one gallon!

Liquid Measurements often come into play when making coffee! Learn how to use a French Press or how to use an Aeropress with my easy instructions. Go forth and measure things! Make sure to download the printable or save this post to refer back to when you need it.

How Many Cups in a Pint  Quart  or Gallon   Printables   Little Sunny Kitchen - 14How Many Cups in a Pint  Quart  or Gallon   Printables   Little Sunny Kitchen - 75How Many Cups in a Pint  Quart  or Gallon   Printables   Little Sunny Kitchen - 69How Many Cups in a Pint  Quart  or Gallon   Printables   Little Sunny Kitchen - 93How Many Cups in a Pint  Quart  or Gallon   Printables   Little Sunny Kitchen - 77