What Milk to Use
This recipe works great with skim milk. Keep in mind that when you make a recipe, you can usually go up in fat content of milk without any problem, but not down. For example, if a recipe calls for whole milk, you really don’t want to use 1%. But here, we used the lowest fat content milk available, so going up in fat would just make it richer. This delicious Ham and Cheese Quiche recipe is so perfect for using up left-over ham from Easter or Christmas. It comes together with just a handful of other ingredients in the perfect homemade pie crust. This is a recipe that you will absolutely love. But, do not skip over this great ham and cheese quiche because a homemade crust intimidates you. If that is the case, simply buy a premade crust and enjoy life. If you use a store-bought crust that is already made, skip the pre-baking step. The important part of prebaking a crust is using weights to keep it in place and prevent it from shrinking into the pan. You can use coins, dry beans, or these handy pie weights. As stated above, be sure to really distribute whatever you use, especially around the edges. A pie shield can also help keep your crust perfect and not burnt when making quiche. If your pie crust is nice and golden when you take it out of the oven when prebaking, add the shield once you add the filling before baking the quiche. You can also wait and keep an eye on the quiche as it bakes to see if it needs it. Other great recipes for leftover ham:
Ham and Cheese Egg Muffins Split Pea Ham Soup Ham Salad
I recommend grating it yourself from a block rather than buying a bag of pre-shredded cheese. It will melt and taste so much better because it is not covered in the preservatives that prevent pre-shredded cheese from clumping together in the bag. Grating it yourself only takes a minute or two and is so worth it.
Ham and Cheese Quiche Tips and Tricks
Refrigerate the pie crust: An optional step, but if you refrigerate the pie crust after rolling it out and before pre-baking it, it will help keep it from shrinking while baking. This means that your delicious filling stays in the pan. Pre-bake the pie crust: As mentioned above, covering the crust with aluminum foil before adding the weights keeps the crust from shrinking and also prevents it from burning while pre-baking. Use a baking sheet: If you bake this breakfast quiche recipe on a baking sheet, you don’t have to worry about it overflowing and making a mess in your oven. Wait an hour before slicing: Doing this helps your quiche hold its shape and the filling stays put. This makes it a great recipe to make the night before and pull out right before breakfast or dinner.
If you make this ham and cheese quiche recipe or any of my other recipes, please let me know what you think by leaving a comment below!
Mushrooms Spinach Green onions Bacon (Make sure it is cooked and diced prior to adding it.)
Crustless Vegetable Quiche Crustless Spinach Quiche
Homemade Granola Recipe Fruit Salad Coffee Cake Muffins Iced Coffee