I think her bug phobia is partly my fault. We have an animal book which has one page that features all different kinds of insects, and instead of asking her to name all the different bugs like we do with the animals on the other pages, I taught her to say “ew.” Say hello to these beauties. They are basically foot-long Greek-flavored Hot Pockets. I don’t know how you could not be excited about this. A foot long hot pocket? Awesome. But these are even better because they don’t taste like microwave. (I mean, hot pockets are great and everything…but they’re also kind of repulsive.) But these Greek pockets are awesome. I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, add feta to anything and it automatically becomes amazing. Add puff pastry, spinach, chicken, and a ton of cheese, and you’ve got it made.

Greek Spinach Feta Chicken Pockets - 82Greek Spinach Feta Chicken Pockets - 71Greek Spinach Feta Chicken Pockets - 90Greek Spinach Feta Chicken Pockets - 21Greek Spinach Feta Chicken Pockets - 53