You guys, I have been CRAZY addicted to popcorn lately. Like all I want come 8 pm is my couch, a quiet house, a little tv, and a bag of popcorn. Okay . . . and a glass of red wine. :) So I was SO excited to get my hands on Something Swanky’s new book, Party Popcorn! I have been following Ashton for almost as long as I have been blogging. Not only does she make the best desserts, she is just about the sweetest person. She has answered so many ridiculous questions for me.
This book is awesome! There are 75 recipes in there for popcorn that are easy peesy but will make it seem like you should open your own gourmet popcorn store. The recipes are everything from savory to sweet, and just about every flavor you could imagine. All your favorite desserts (cinnamon rolls, german chocolate, muddy buddies, scotcheroos) crammed into awesome popcorn flavors. I Okay! Let’s talk about the popcorn I made! Grasshopper Popcorn.
So with the holidays being around, I have approximately 4,037 packages of sweets pilled high on my dinning room table. So far, I’ve been pretty good about avoiding them and just packaging them up to give away to friends, teachers, neighbors . . . but guys . . . this popcorn. It is whispering my name every time I walk through my dinging room. It’s so good!! It also came together faster than fast. Life has been crazy trying to get things ready for the holidays, and I really wanted to throw some of this awesome popcorn into Gavin’s teachers basket last minute, and it was all made in under like 20 minutes. Don’t you think a batch of this popcorn and Ashton’s book make a perfect addition to this popcorn themed basket?? (I told you I was obsessed with popcorn lately.)
But if you make the Grasshopper Popcorn and eat it all yourself, I totally won’t judge you. Make sure you pick up a copy of Party Popcorn, and enter to win one for a friend!