The grasshopper looks at him and says, “You have a drink called ‘Doug??’” SORRY. I couldn’t resist. This is one of the first cocktails I made for Nathan. I made it, years ago, as a reward for us wrapping all the kid’s presents on Christmas Eve and finishing before midnight. Now we plan much better, wrap presents at the start of December, and simply enjoy this as an occasional delicious after dinner drink. This recipe is perfect for the holidays but it is fantastic for dinner parties too. You will love this great cocktail all year long.
Creme de Cacao which is a delicious chocolate liqueur. It comes in either clear or chocolate colored. I recommend clear for this drink. Crème de Menthe is a mint flavored liqueur. You can find it as a green color or a clear. The green crème de menthe is beautiful against the chocolate syrup but clear with green food coloring works too. Finally, you need heavy cream for that nice creamy taste.
When buying the chocolate sauce, note that Godiva makes a chocolate syrup which is the perfect thickness and consistency to stick to the side of the glass and make a good line. It is a little thick though, so you can only get one or two swirls. It is what we used here. I also really love the chocolate drizzle sold by Smuckers. It comes out in really delicate thin lines. It is what we used for this St. Patrick’s Day Mudslide. Regardless of which you pick, you are going to love the results. It is not as strong as the original, but it is delicious! Combine the following in a blender:
2 cups vanilla ice cream 1 ounce green creme de menthe 1 ounce creme de cocoa
Salted Caramel Irish Coffee Margarita Milkshake Pink Party Punch
If you try this grasshopper cocktail recipe come back and tell me what you think in the comments! I love hearing from you.