In an attempt to learn and understand , which is non stop learning curve , I never fail to visit one of my favorite photographer’s blog - Tartelette by Helen Dujarin. I owe a lot of my learnings to the book Plate to Pixel and some enhancements to her blog too. Gazing through different posts , I came across this post on Honey Vanilla Cake at her’s. Totally loved it. Made them twice . In my second attempt , I reduced the flour by ¼ of a cup. I had made this wonderful tea cake in March , but for some reasons I did not find time to draft a post for it . This healthy tea cake caught my attention, since it had a portion of Honey in it. I have to admit ! I have never used honey in my baking .. and I was really curious how its going to taste in the bake . Wonderful is an understatement .. Mild and a glory at Tea Time for sure. You bet now , why I made it twice on consecutive days. The kids in the house loved it , but thats just one reason. I was no where convinced with my pictures the first day and the cake was all over. So I went to bake all over again and shot them !! Extremely pleased I did them all over again. Don’t you think so ?? Have a look at the difference between the first set that’s white and the new set in grey. Just across the screen, I am sure many of my other food blogger friends must b cooking/baking food all over again , just for pictures occasionally. When I re work on the images, its not to convince or please anyone else but to give me immense satisfaction that I have got it right. It gives me a feeling of passing an examination with distinction when I get it right !! When I see them up in my , I refer to when I want to bake them next time , instead of going back to the internet or a cookbook. Without further any more banters , I am leaving you with this beautiful recipe to enjoy for your friends and family. I have baked a couple of Tea Time cakes . Some of them are listed below. Chocolate Pound Cake Pound Cake with Lemon Glaze Orange Marmalade Cake Finally… yeippe !! Here it is … Recipe adapated from here.