Every year on my sister-in-law Sandi’s birthday, my brother and I have a contest to see who can send her the cutest picture of a baby goat. Sandi has an affinity for anything small and furry, of course, but there is just something about that tiny-horns-floppy-ears combo. And don’t forget expert frolicking: I’m wondering if this year I could just bake her a few of these bunny rolls instead. They are small and cute and YOU ACTUALLY GET TO EAT THEM.
I think I am missing the cute and furry gene. I mean don’t get me wrong, I love baby goats and all, but I don’t find myself googling them with any regularity. I think it stems from when I begged my parents for a hamster when I was a tween. I beeeeeegged them. They finally gave in, smelly cage and all. The first day with Henry the hamster was magical. The first night, though, was the beginning of Henry’s marathon training apparently. The pink plastic wheel that came as a part of the cage was the squeakiest in existence. I didn’t sleep wink. (At least that’s what my 10-year-old self thought. Probably I was awake for like 20 minutes.)
Maybe I should try out rabbits. Eating them. With butter. And honey. With ham and scalloped potatoes and jello and asparagus on the side. These rolls look difficult, but they’re not. A little time-consuming the first time around, but if you can make cinnamon rolls, then you can whip these up no problem. The recipe is from a restaurant in Salt Lake City called The Lion House, which is hugely famous for their rolls. It is my favorite roll recipe to date. Very soft and tender, with a perfect crust. I’m not telling how many bunnies I ate today.
Follow one of the links below the recipe to see how to shape them like normal rolls. Eat these with Cinnamon Honey Butter. HEAVEN. Do you guys give up? Or are you thirsty for more? Facebook | Pinterest | Instagram | Twitter
Some finger stick-age is ok.
Left: bunny bodies. Top right: Bunny ears. Bottom right: bunny heads
Left: bunny bodies. Right: Bunny heads.
Have you ever cut dough with floss? So much easier. Don’t use mint!
The one on the left was the end piece of the roll that I cut into 24. It turned out a little puffier, but I thought both of them were cute in the end. Eat these rolls with this Cinnamon Honey Butter and die happy:
You might like these other bread recipes for Easter! Samoan Coconut Bread (Pani Popo)
Oldie but a goodie: Big Fat Crescent Rolls:
7up Biscuits:
If you’re into making shaped bread, pin this one for next Christmas: Golden Santa Bread
Other bread recipes from awesome bloggers: One Hour Honey Bunny Buns from Kirbie Cravings Orange Bunny Rolls from Budget Gourmet Mom Best Butterhorn Rolls from Lovely Little Kitchen