So I went to probably the classiest garage sale of my life this weekend. You know. Rothko paintings. JCrew shirts. Free lemonade.
Free lemonade, with some limitations. My nephews are super classy. Mine’s on the left, do you think I overfilled?? Also, can I just say the best part about your brother having a garage sale is that everything is free?
Have you ever had a garage sale? We’ve never done it. Probably because if we had one people would walk away thinking, “That was the trashiest garage sale I’ve ever been to. Seriously, a solar powered-spinning metal R2-D2 model? Overgrown houseplants? Target shoes from 4 seasons ago? At least the brownies were good.” Let’s be honest, bribing people with food is the only way I would get people to come to my garage sale.
Maybe I should serve these Dulce de Leche Cheesecake Parfaits at my next garage sale. They are delicious, plus portable and easy to serve. I love it for parties, including parties for one. That dulce de leche stuff is legit, and I don’t need to explain the magical qualities of cream cheese. They are a riff on these No Bake Cheesecake Parfaits, another favorite of mine. They are perfect for summer! Or winter. Or garage sales. Basically anytime. UPDATE: I learned how to make dulce de leche at home from a can of sweetened condensed milk! Learn all about How to Make Dulce de Leche here! Facebook | Pinterest | Instagram You might like these other recipes too! The original No Bake Cheesecake Parfait Bar! So easy:
No Bake Dulce de Leche Cheesecake with Caramelized Peaches:
Cranberry Dulce de Leche Hand Pies:
More Dulce de Leche!! Strawberry Dulce de Leche Cake from Life Love and Sugar Dulce de Leche Cheesecake with Brownie Crust from Bake or Break Dulce de Leche Brownies from Chef in Training