So you know how everybody always has that One Neighbor? Growing up ours was the guy who painted a giant mural of mallard ducks on the front of his house. Or maybe WE were That Neighbor. When I was in high school my parents accidentally painted their house pink. My mom called it “mauve” but I’m just being real Mom, it was pink.
Our new neighbors (around the corner, thank goodness) beat both of those though. They have a stoplight in their front yard. A real, working stoplight, which by the way, are way huger than you think when you see them at eye level. And every night it’s turned on:
There it is, for all to enjoy. I always wanted to live in the red light district…wait. Do you have any weird neighbors?? We are in that stage of moving in where enough stuff is unpacked that we can function, and you realize that all the remaining boxes have the stuff you don’t really need. Someone told us that any box you don’t unpack after 6 months goes on the giveaway pile. Should we do it?? I might get rid of a lot of Eric’s books that way.
We did add one more thing to our list of posessions: Eric got me the new Cinderella movie for my birthday this week. I’ve had it on repeat the whole time I’ve been working on this post. I’m such a sucker for that story! It was always my favorite.
My birthday was awesome, by the way! I got so many messages from people, and at dinner that night I told Eric, you would not believe how many people contacted me today! And he looked just a little too smug. And then he admitted that he may have gently reminded some people. Sorry to any of my friends who were coerced. It certainly made my day though!
I guess you guys are ready for pumpkin season! I posted this Easy Pumpkin Pie Cake last week and was surprised by the attention it got, it’s already up to almost 4k pins. If you are ready, so am I! Here is another super easy pumpkin pie alternative. It’s quick to throw together: bake the puffs, whip up a cream cheese pumpkin filling, then toss it in and serve. Have you guys tried those puff pastry cups? They are so good for stuffing with just about anything. This would be great to serve up on Halloween, Thanksgiving, or any other get together you’re heading to this fall. Or maybe just at home alone on a Wednesday night. Other quick and easy appetizers to fall in love with! 2-Ingredient Nutella Puffs (these never get old)
Easy Strawberries and Cream Appetizer:
Sparkling Cranberry Brie Bites:
And in case you missed it last week, Easy Pumpkin Pie Cake!
Other sweet appetizers for fall! Pumpkin Popcorn Balls from Mom on Timeout « are these not so cute?? Skinny Pumpkin Pie Dip from Averie Cooks Mini Pumpkin Pies from My Baking Addiction