I went to a surprise party for my cousin last week, a party thrown for her by her 11 year old daughter. Say whaaat? I’m pretty sure I was still picking food out of my braces and learning about deodorant when I was 11. Organizing a thoughtful surprise for my mom was not on my radar. I was too busy dying my hair red so that I could look just like Anne of Green Gables. (It turned orange. Now you know why I have hair-dying phobia. The struggle is real.)
I was talking to another cousin of mine at the party (hi Aaron!) who was telling me how excited he is about my Facebook page. “You’re almost to 10,000 followers!!” He told me that he’s going to unlike my page, wait until the moment I reach 9,999, and then be THE TEN-THOUSANDTH LIKE. I imagine him in his basement, sporting a 5 o’clock shadow and eating cheetos in front of the screen and refreshing over and over again to see if I’m at 9,999. Thanks for being my creepiest fan Aaron!
Are you guys hanging out with me on Facebook? Do you see the updates that I post? I’m not nearly as excited about 10,000 likes because I know how many people I’m actually reaching–it’s much lower than that. But still, Facebook is fun and I get to share lots of other blogger’s recipes along with my own. It’s a party! Rock on.
Can you believe Easter is less than a month away?? Just a few more weekends and it will be here, in all it’s Reese’s Egg glory. (let’s be real.) You should make this Spicy Slow Cooker Ham and these Gruyere Crisped Potatoes Au Gratin to impress your family. Throw in a Creamy Strawberry Banana Jello and you’ve got yourself a perfectly balanced meal! :) But what to do with all the leftover hard-boiled eggs from the hunt?? I’ve got yo back. I made this really basic egg salad over the Christmas holidays for my family and it totally hit the spot. I always forget about egg salad when it’s not Easter, but it’s so good and cheap that I should totally make it more often. The perfect quick lunch. This recipe doesn’t have any surprises in it, and that’s the way I like it. No crunchies. Feel free to change it up however you like! It’s hard to go wrong.
Let’s talk about cooking eggs for a minute. I know, I know, boiling is what you are supposed to do. But I cannot for the life of me get it right. I was introduced to steaming eggs a while ago and I’m NEVER going back. Perfectly tender and bright yellow yolks, every time. And SO easy to peel. Try it out! More ideas for all those Easter eggs! Deviled Guacamole Eggs:
Sriracha Deviled Eggs:
Baked Veggie Egg Cups:
Feed your egg salad craving: Egg Salad with Tuna and Sweet Pickles from Reluctant Entertainer Avocado Egg Salad Recipe from Inspired Taste Bacon and Cheddar Egg Salad from In My Red Kitchen