It is that time of year when I am thinking about what to get my kids’ teachers for Christmas. (Which, if you have ever been a teacher or been married or related to a teacher, stop and take a minute and tell me the BEST gift a student ever gave.)  All year long I think about how much love my kids’ teachers deserve. I mean, I lose my patience sometimes with just ONE of my kids’ age. I can’t imagine having a whole classroom full of 11, 7, or 4 year olds. Yowzah! But this time of year especially when kids are jacked up on candy and adrenaline from searching for the elf each. When kids are so so excited about all the activities happening this time of year and can barely contain themselves. Yikes. This is the time of year when I think about what amazing souls teachers are and how I can show our appreciation.


As if my kids weren’t already bouncing off the walls with Christmas excitement, I thought I would add a little more by making these super fun Printable Christmas Lunch Box Jokes. I’ve made these in the past, some just plain Printable Lunch Box Jokes and some Halloween Lunch Box Jokes. I thought it would be nice to add some Christmas themed kids’ lunch jokes to the mix. Just click on the photos below on the jokes that you want. You will be taken to a PDF of them that you can print out and cut.

These are so fun and make such a quick and easy addition to your kiddos’ lunches. Though if you are anything like me, you are busier than you can handle and encouraging your kids to do allllll the hot lunches this week. #nojudgement Just print these jokes out and put them next to their breakfasts. ???? 

Christmas Lunch Box Jokes  Free Printable    Wine   Glue - 75Christmas Lunch Box Jokes  Free Printable    Wine   Glue - 90Christmas Lunch Box Jokes  Free Printable    Wine   Glue - 13Christmas Lunch Box Jokes  Free Printable    Wine   Glue - 99Christmas Lunch Box Jokes  Free Printable    Wine   Glue - 8Christmas Lunch Box Jokes  Free Printable    Wine   Glue - 18Christmas Lunch Box Jokes  Free Printable    Wine   Glue - 87Christmas Lunch Box Jokes  Free Printable    Wine   Glue - 82Christmas Lunch Box Jokes  Free Printable    Wine   Glue - 23