We recently visited Eric’s family up in Montana. We were driving home through Idaho (sooo gorgeous up there). There was rain in the distance and I showed the kids how cool it looks when you can see it raining from far away, like the cloud is just pouring right down to the earth. A few minutes later after driving closer, I looked up from my book and exclaimed to the kids, “LOOK guys we’re in the rain that we saw earlier!” And then Eric told me he was cleaning the bugs off the windshield with the washer fluid. SERIOUSLY??
I wish I could claim that this moment was the result of the head injury I sustained today, but it wasn’t, I really am just that ridiculous. I was bending over to move Valentine away from the cabinet, where she was on the verge of crashing all my pie plates to the ground. I was in a hurry and stood up fast…slamming my head HARD into an open cupboard door. Who knew head wounds bled so much?? I did, actually, which is the only reason I didn’t freak out and call one of my not one, but two brother who are doctors. (Seriously, mom, Dad, couldn’t you guys have spread the smarts out a little more evenly? I’m bleeding over here, PLUS I can’t tell the difference between rain and windshield fluid.) Any bets? Will Karen learn her lesson about shutting cupboard doors from now on? I’m betting not.
Blueberry Pancake Muffins for daaays! I’ve been working on this recipe all week and went through so many batches. The first one tasted like baking soda (that’s seriously the worst!) and I threw them straight in the trash. Well, except after Charlotte ate 2 of them, because apparently baking soda muffins are more acceptable than the other totally random things she doesn’t like, like popcorn. (I know, right? Who doesn’t like popcorn?) The next batch was flavorless. The next one was too dense. I finally got it though: the perfect Blueberry Pancake flavor, in a perfectly risen muffin. I’m a total sucker for muffins that rise way high over the edge of the pan (more muffin top, hello!!) and these do not disappoint. («when you google “muffin top” all that comes up on the first page are diet and exercise tips. HA!) But then you go and add some soft melty butter and a drizzle of maple syrup? Dude. This batch makes 8, maybe 9 muffins. I know, annoying that it doesn’t make a dozen. I was committed to having 1 egg in a batch, and didn’t want to have half an egg in the recipe. You are welcome to double it of course for 16-18 muffins. Get yourself an extra muffin tin to make it easier.
I separate the egg for these muffins, and beat up the whites a little bit, which is also the secret to The Best Pancakes I’ve Ever Made.
Don’t over mix!
You want to fill the tins pretty full, and brush with buttermilk to get them nice and brown, a tip I learned from Foodie with Family.
These muffins will freeze really well. I know because ALL muffins freeze well. Just throw them in a ziplock, toss it in the freezer (ok don’t actually toss) and they will keep for about 3 months. When you take them out, either let the whole (zipped) bag sit on the counter for a couple hours until thaw, or zap them individually in the microwave for instant muffin gratification. I posted a video of these muffins on Instagram stories yesterday and got a message from my cousin Misty, who is a phenomenal baker. “I have a blueberry pancake CUPCAKE recipe!” Yeah, I KNOW, Misty. Give it up already. Maybe if we all harass her in the comments she will hand the recipe over :) I’m the worst at cupcakes. Here’s the only one I have on the blog, which is my favorite. Oh and this one too. And these. So 3 I guess, but after 5 years of blogging that’s not that many!
PS-This is totally unrelated, but 3 things I bought this week that I wanted to tell you about because I love them. First, these hand weights. I’ve been doing a lot of PopSugar exercise videos lately, they are pretty good. You guys aren’t even going to recognize me soon because I’m going to be so buff. (harhar) Second, this thing called a Pumie that is magically getting the rings off of my toilet bowl. Don’t judge meee! It worked so well, and only 9 bucks. Third, these Guittard Mint Baking Chips. OH MY GOODNESS. Get them. I have recipes coming soon using them, then you won’t have to wait when I share the recipe! I’ve never seen them in stores, have you? I read online that people sometimes see them around Christmas and Easter. Facebook | Pinterest | Instagram | Twitter One year ago: Homemade Oreos with Cream Cheese Frosting Two years ago: Orange Watermelon Sunshine Smoothie Five years ago: Easy Sausage and Broccoli Kebabs with White Bean Salad Muffins forever! Pumpkin Cream Cheese Muffins « Who’s ready for All Things Pumpkin this fall??
Blueberry Lime Oatmeal Muffins
Raspberry Lemon Glazed Muffins
And here are The Best Pancakes I’ve Ever Made, if you’ve been looking.
More blueberries and pancakes from friends! Blueberry Pancake Muffins with Cream Cheese Filling from Oh Sweet Basil Buttermilk Blueberry Pancake Squares from View from Great Island Blueberry Pancake Muffins from Two Peas and Their Pod Chocolate Chip Pancake Muffins from In Jennie’s Kitchen