Yesterday I was helping Charlotte buckle her seatbelt, when suddenly she yelled, “Mom I can do teamwork ALL BY MYSELF.” Whoa. Point taken. I will sit back and watch you take care of that teamwork all by yourself. Speaking of solitary teamwork, I’m in charge of organizing Thanksgiving this year. I’m not really sure how this happened. It’s like I was the last man standing. That part in the army-montage song on Mulan where everybody steps back from Captain Shang aiming the arrow except her? Kinda like that, except less hot Asian cartoons characters, more agonizing over stuffing recipes. It’s like people think I’m into food or something. My parents are in Vietnam for all of November. For realsies. Now that both my parents are retired they are traveling fiends. Which was the plan all along. My Dad is crazy about traveling. In the past few years they’ve been to Costa Rica, Turkey, Italy, Egypt, Peru, Germany…pretty awesome right?

They deserve it. Growing up, we drove a nasty station wagon (dubbed “White Lightning”), were fanatical about turning off lights to save electricity, and when we went out to fast food, we would come home and spread it all out on our kitchen table, drinking homemade juice instead of soda to save cash. My parents can travel now because they wore sweaters at home in the winter. I have mad respect for them. Also, I’m wearing a sweater in my 68 degree house at the moment. Italy, here I come! In about 40 years. Anyway, the point is that my parents get back right before Turkey Day, so I have to put on my big girl pants and Figure Stuff Out. Luckily, this means lots of Thanksgiving recipes are coming to a blog near you. Including these awesome Bacon Ricotta Crostini. You guys ready for this? Welcome to the easiest Thanksgiving appetizer ever: just toast, ricotta…

…and BACON. Drizzle it with some honey and you’ve got yourself the easiest and most make-aheadable appetizer everrr. Give your guests something to snack on so that you don’t feel pressure while they wait for that turkey to finish up. These are my new favorite thing you guys. I didn’t know it was possible to consume nearly a pound of ricotta single-handedly. But I think I managed it. Teamwork. ALL BY MYSELF. Do you guys give up? Or are you thirsty for more? Facebook | Pinterest | Instagram | Twitter Recipe adapted from Epicurious Crowd Pleasers Ricottaaaa. Feel free to make your own, by the way. I’ve heard it’s easy. Having drippy cheesecloth lying around my kitchen doesn’t sound easy to me though, so I’m sticking with the tub for now. I kind of like the igloo shape it makes anyway.

Buy thick-cut bacon. I get mine from the butcher in my grocery store. I sliced it the long way first, then chopped it up. More awesome appetizers! Butternut Squash, Cranberry, and Goat Cheese Crostini:

 Parmesan-Crusted Goat Cheese with Basil Oil:

 Sparkling Cranberry Brie Bites:

  Even more awesome appetizers! Roasted Cherry Toasts with honey Nut Cream Cheese from Sugar Dish Me Avocado Crostini from Joyful Healthy Eats Mini Cheese Ball Bites from Five Heart Home

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