Recently I asked some Facebook friends, who were teachers and former teachers, if they thought a bottle of wine with a cute printable (available on the blog) was a good back to school gift for a teacher . . . . or if that would put me on the “Parents to Watch Because They are Probably Alcoholics” list. Don’t tell me that they don’t have those lists, you know that they totally do. Facebook friends were mixed about it. A lot of people were like, “Great idea!” Some said, “Ummm . . . maybe no . . .” And then finally I got someone telling me that alcohol is not allowed on the premises (even as a fun gift) and could potentially get the teacher in trouble. Eeeep! Then a teacher commented that an extra box of Kleenex or some wet wipes are always greatly appreciated. And really, my goal in giving a teacher a beginning of the year gift (besides being a suck up, obviously) is to start out the year with them knowing that they and the task they are about to undertake are truly appreciated. And it doesn’t hurt to have that gift be useful also! (P.S. The teachers also chimed in that coffee is very appreciated, mugs are not, and for the love of all things red and shiny nothing apple themed!) So with all of that, I give this cute little poem that popped into my head while I was trying to take a nap (it was one of those work or nap situations and while I wanted to nap, my brain had other plans). Right click on the photo below. Click “download linked file.” The file will save to your computer and then you can print. I know lots of school supply lists already list a three pack of wipes and some paper towels, but I’m suggesting that this go around a roll of paper towels or some wipes in addition to what is being asked for. My plan is to add a personalized little note to the back about how I could never in a million years do the job they are about to do and how grateful I am for them. And to Gavin’s teacher this year, if you are reading this, I will meet you just off of the school premises with something that contains far more alcohol than this bottle of wipes five minutes after the last bell rings on the first day. Because seriously, you just spent the whole day with 20+ six year olds.

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