His eyes are officially greenish gray, or grayn, as Eric calls it. And who knows, they could be a totally different color in a few months, but I’ll take this for now. We take multicolored eyes for granted in this country. Some of my family members went on a trip to Thailand a few summers ago. My sister-in-law Sandi told me that one day they were at the zoo and started chatting with a couple locals. The two women were just dumbfounded by Sandi’s eyes, which are a hazel-y brown. “Look at all the colors!” They were appreciative, but not quite so dazzled, by her husband Eric’s extremely light blue eyes. The funniest part was that they couldn’t grasp that Eric and Sandi were from the same country. They told the ladies that they were both from California, in the United States. But they couldn’t make sense of the fact that they had different eye colors. They thought that Eric must be from another country to have a completely different eye color than his wife. Isn’t that crazy? But I imagine if I grew up in a place where everyone had the exact same eye color as me, I might assume the same thing. All Thai people have brown eyes, so Norwegians must all have blue eyes, etc. I shared this awesome Asian Marinated Cucumber Salad a couple days ago, and it is great as a stand-alone side. But pair it with these salmon burgers…oh boy. I’d never even had a salmon burger before these, and I honestly don’t even see a need to try any others…ever. These are amazing on buns, but they are also really delicious as lettuce wraps. But please, even if you are watching your carbs, do not skimp on the wasabi mayonnaise. Why does mayonnaise make everything so amazing?