About These Air Fryer dehydrated Tomatoes

You will only need 3 ingredients and about 10 minutes of hands-on time. The rest of the drying process happens in the air fryer! The recipe is fairly simple, and there is no set quantity of tomatoes. You can make as much as you can pack in your air fryer basket. Enjoy tasty sun-dried tomatoes in your pasta sauces, soups, breads, or just as a tasty snack! Don’t have an air fryer? Make my oven-dried “sun-dried” tomatoes.

Is it Dried tomatoes or Sun dried tomatoes?

Traditionally, sun-dried tomatoes are made by drying ripe tomatoes in the sun until most of their moisture is gone. But with the unpredictable UK weather, unlike Italy or India where drying in the sun is easy, I prefer using my air fryer to achieve similar results. Though we call them sun-dried, these are actually air fryer-dried tomatoes. The air fryer concentrates the tomatoes’ flavors, giving them a rich, tangy taste that’s irresistible. They’re incredibly simple to make, keep longer than fresh tomatoes, and are a delicious addition to many recipes. Let me show you how to make sun-dried tomatoes in the air fryer, so you can enjoy the best of seasonal produce all year round! Air Fry:Arrange the seasoned tomatoes in the air fryer basket. Air fry at 240°F (115°C) for 45 minutes.After 45 minutes, use a fork or a potato masher and smash them slightly. Air fry for a further 45 minutes. Cool:When done, leave the air fried tomatoes to cool in the basket for at least 1 hour. Finish: Drizzle with olive oil and herbs if using. Use in recipes as is or in recipes. Post a photo of your creation on my Facebook page, share it on Instagram, or save it to Pinterest with the tag #sandhyaskitchen.  I would love to see your pictures! Subscribe to our weekly newsletters!

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