Originally posted February 20, 2015 Sometimes I feel like the most awkward person in the entire world when I have a repairman at my house. I never know what to do. Hover or give him space? Talk or don’t talk? Hi, welcome to my home, it’s kind of like middle school here. Today a guy came to replace the little screens on the side of the house that cover the crawl space. Have you guys seen that Dirty Jobs show? I think I should have them come follow this guy around. “Crawl Space” should probably be renamed “I Would Rather Fork My Own Eye Than Crawl Here.”
He was working in the backyard, which is where I send the kids when I need to “get stuff done,” also known as, “Karen’s hungry for some sugar and needs to banish all witnesses.” I felt kinda bad about sticking the guy with all the kids, but that was only until I went outside to offer snacks. Then I felt REALLY bad.
I walk out to find the poor guy surrounded by muddy children on bikes. Like a gang. They have forgone all activities and are intent on staring at him as he hammers and pounds. Truman, who is on the edge of a cold, is looking particularly snot-nosed and disheveled. “The little one lost a shoe, so I put it back on him.” Repairman: 1. Mom: 0.
“I made snacks! ONE FOR YOU TOO!” I have to yell, so that he knows I’m talking to him, because I don’t know his name. I proffer a baby cup sampling of a recipe I’m currently developing, which is unfortunately a crusty, violent shade of blue. (Coming soon! Aren’t you so excited??) He eyes it warily. “I’m good, thanks.” What, don’t you trust my completely unrecognizable food experiments?? This is PERFECTLY NORMAL BEHAVIOR.
2 Ingredient Nutella Puff Pastry
Speaking of food experiments. I was testing another recipe a while back and had some leftover squares of puff pastry. So naturally I filled them with Nutella and baked them. OH MY. Puff pastry is something else guys. It’s kind of like eating a cloud…that’s made of butter. The best part is that all you have to do is take it out of the box. I’m all about the easy these days. If you’re feeling ambitious, try out this 15-Minute Puff Pastry from Dessert for Two. Looks amazing. Happy Valentine’s Day everyone! Come back on Friday for Galentine’s Day, V-day’s way hotter cousin. I’ll have another Nutella recipe for you, because love is in the air, and, well guys, I love you, okay?
^ On the left is the size you want for larger puffs. To make the size shown in the photos, cut them one more time vertically, as shown on the right.
Little puff…big puff. I added raspberry jam, sshhh!! So good. Try it, but not on the little ones. You need more space if you’re doing two fillings. Facebook | Pinterest | Instagram | Twitter More Nutella to make your life magical: Nutella-Stuffed Browned Butter Blondies:
Nutella-Stuffed Gingerbread Cookies: Nutella-Swirled Vanilla Ice Cream with Reese’s-Style Chunks:
More Nutella from around town: Peanut Butter Nutella Phyllo Pockets from Cooking for Keeps Nutella Puff Pastry Swirls from Live Love Pasta Nutella Twists from Cannella Vita