What to serve with Ina Garten Meatloaf
Ina Garten serves her meatloaf with a super flavorful, buttery garlic sauce which I’ve included in this recipe. It’s the perfect way to add extra flavor and a little bit more moisture to the meatloaf. It also goes very well on top of whatever you’re serving with the meatloaf, like mashed potatoes or steamed veggies. I’m in Texas visiting her this week, and it took us about 30 seconds of being together to realize that we have the exact same turquoise and purple iPhone case. The exact. same. one. Eric is back home slaving away while I take a girl’s trip to visit my best friend and sister. And by girl’s trip I mean all of the children are involved, so it’s not really one of those. We went to Walmart today with all 5 of our kids. We bought limes and diapers. It took 2 hours. I’m not complaining though. It’s easier to dodge People of Walmart photographers if you’re in a group. Really though, we’re having so much fun. Time and space got nothin on kindred spirits. My mom used to make people guess what was in her meatloaf, because she was always just throwing in whatever was in the fridge. You know, just in case meatloaf wasn’t adventurous enough for you already. You want your bread crumbs to look like this. I like Panko bread crumbs. Pat it into a rectangle… Then mold it into a cylinder to prevent air pockets. If you really want to pull out all the stops, make this meatloaf with Aunt Shirley’s Famous Creamy Mashed Potatoes. Meatloaf and potatoes, there’s no greater combo, right? You could also do these 3 Ingredient Roasted Potatoes with Crunchy Onions. And how about a Green Salad with Feta and Beets to go with it? Yum. When you’re ready to eat it, thaw it overnight in the fridge (if frozen), then warm either in the microwave or in the oven until heated through. Facebook | Pinterest | Instagram